The url for your push gateway. Either of the form ‘http://pushgateway.local’, or ‘pushgateway.local’. Scheme defaults to ‘http’ if none is provided
is how long delete will attempt to connect before giving up. Defaults to 30s.
Default Value: 30
This resource is used to send metrics to a Prometheus Pushgateway.
from dagster_prometheus import PrometheusResource
from dagster import Definitions, job, op
def example_prometheus_op(prometheus: PrometheusResource):
def my_job():
defs = Definitions(
resources={"prometheus": PrometheusResource(gateway="http://pushgateway.local")},
Integrates with Prometheus via the prometheus_client library.
The url for your push gateway. Either of the form ‘http://pushgateway.local’, or ‘pushgateway.local’. Scheme defaults to ‘http’ if none is provided
is how long delete will attempt to connect before giving up. Defaults to 30s.
Default Value: 30