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15 docs tagged with "ETL"

ETL integrations.

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Dagster & Airbyte

Using this integration, you can trigger Airbyte syncs and orchestrate your Airbyte connections from within Dagster, making it easy to chain an Airbyte sync with upstream or downstream steps in your workflow.

Dagster & Census

With the dagster-census integration you can execute a Census sync and poll until that sync completes, raising an error if it's unsuccessful.

Dagster & dbt

Dagster orchestrates dbt alongside other technologies, so you can schedule dbt with Spark, Python, etc. in a single data pipeline.

Dagster & dbt Cloud

Dagster allows you to run dbt Cloud jobs alongside other technologies. You can schedule them to run as a step in a larger pipeline and manage them as a data asset.

Dagster & dlt

This integration allows you to use dlt to easily ingest and replicate data between systems through Dagster.

Dagster & Embedded ELT

The dagster-embedded-elt package provides a framework for building ELT pipelines with Dagster through helpful asset decorators and resources. It includes the dagster-dlt and dagster-sling packages, which you can also use on their own. To get started,

Dagster & Hightouch

With this integration you can trigger Hightouch syncs and monitor them from within Dagster. Fine-tune when Hightouch syncs kick-off, visualize their dependencies, and monitor the steps in your data activation workflow.

Dagster & Meltano

The dagster-meltano library allows you to run Meltano using Dagster. Design and configure ingestion jobs using the popular specification.

Dagster & MSSQL Bulk Copy Tool

The community-supported dagster-mssql-bcp package is a custom Dagster I/O manager for loading data into SQL Server using the bcp utility.

Dagster & Ray

The community-supported dagster-ray package allows orchestrating distributed Ray compute from Dagster pipelines.

Dagster & SDF

SDF can integrate seamlessly with your existing Dagster projects, providing the best-in-class transformation layer while enabling you to schedule, orchestrate, and monitor your dags in Dagster.

Dagster & Sling

This integration allows you to use Sling to extract and load data from popular data sources to destinations with high performance and ease.

Using Dagster with Airbyte Cloud

This guide provides instructions for using Dagster with Airbyte Cloud using the dagster-airbyte library. Your Airbyte Cloud connection tables can be represented as assets in the Dagster asset graph, allowing you to track lineage and dependencies between Airbyte Cloud assets and data assets you are already modeling in Dagster. You can also use Dagster to orchestrate Airbyte Cloud connections, allowing you to trigger syncs for these on a cadence or based on upstream data changes.

Using Dagster with Fivetran

This guide provides instructions for using Dagster with Fivetran using the dagster-fivetran library. Your Fivetran connector tables can be represented as assets in the Dagster asset graph, allowing you to track lineage and dependencies between Fivetran assets and data assets you are already modeling in Dagster. You can also use Dagster to orchestrate Fivetran connectors, allowing you to trigger syncs for these on a cadence or based on upstream data changes.