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Customizing a schedule's executing timezone#

Schedules that don't have a set timezone will, by default, execute in UTC. By the end of this guide, you'll know how to:

  • Set custom timezones on schedule definitions
  • Set custom timezones on partitioned jobs
  • Account for the impact of Daylight Savings Time on schedule execution times


To follow this guide, you need to be familiar with:

Setting timezones on schedule definitions#

Using the execution_timezone parameter allows you to specify a timezone for the schedule on the following objects:

This parameter accepts any tz timezone. For example, the following schedule will execute every day at 9:00 AM in US Pacific time (America/Los_Angeles):

my_timezone_schedule = ScheduleDefinition(
    job=my_job, cron_schedule="0 9 * * *", execution_timezone="America/Los_Angeles"

Setting timezones on partitioned jobs#

Schedules constructed from partitioned jobs execute in the timezone defined on the partition's config. Partitions definitions have a timezone parameter, which accepts any tz timezone.

For example, the following partition uses the US Pacific (America/Los_Angeles) timezone:

from dagster import DailyPartitionsDefinition

daily_partition = DailyPartitionsDefinition(
    start_date="2024-05-20", timezone="America/Los_Angeles"

Execution times and Daylight Savings Time#

When Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins and ends, there may be some impact on your schedules' execution times.

Impact on daily schedules#

Because of DST transitions, it's possible to specify an execution time that doesn't exist for every scheduled interval.

Let's say you have a schedule that executes every day at 2:30 AM. On the day DST begins, time jumps from 2:00AM to 3:00AM, which means the time of 2:30 AM won't exist.

Dagster would instead run the schedule at the next time that exists, which would be 3:00 AM:

# DST begins: time jumps forward an hour at 2:00 AM

- 12:30 AM
- 1:00 AM
- 1:30 AM
- 3:00 AM ## time transition; schedule executes
- 3:30 AM
- 4:00 AM

It's also possible to specify an execution time that exists twice on one day every year.

Let's say you have a schedule that executes every day at 1:30 AM. On the day DST ends, the hour from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM repeats, which means the time of 1:30 AM will exist twice. This means there are two possible times the schedule could run.

In this case, Dagster would execute the schedule at the second iteration of 1:30 AM:

# DST ends: time jumps backward an hour at 2:00 AM

- 12:30 AM
- 1:00 AM
- 1:30 AM
- 1:00 AM ## time transition
- 1:30 AM ## schedule executes
- 2:00 AM

Impact on hourly schedules#

Hourly schedules are unaffected by daylight savings time transitions. Schedules will continue to run exactly once an hour, even as DST ends and the hour from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM repeats.

Let's say you have a schedule that executes hourly at 30 minutes past the hour. On the day DST ends, the schedule would run at 12:30 AM and both instances of 1:30 AM before proceeding normally at 2:30 AM:

# DST ends: time jumps backward an hour at 2:00 AM

- 12:30 AM ## schedule executes
- 1:00 AM
- 1:30 AM ## schedule executes
- 1:00 AM ## time transition
- 1:30 AM ## schedule executes
- 2:00 AM
- 2:30 AM ## schedule executes

APIs in this guide#

@scheduleDecorator that defines a schedule that executes according to a given cron schedule.
ScheduleDefinitionClass for schedules.
build_schedule_from_partitioned_jobA function that constructs a schedule whose interval matches the partitioning of a partitioned job.
build_schedule_from_dbt_selectionA function that constructs a schedule that materializes a set of specified dbt resources.