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External assets REST API reference#

As Dagster doesn't control scheduling or materializing external assets, it's up to you to keep their metadata updated. Use the endpoints described in this reference to report updates for external assets back to Dagster.

API functionality#

Using the External Asset APIs, you can:


Authentication is required only if requests are being made against a Dagster+ instance. To authenticate, provide a valid Dagster+ user token using the Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token header:

curl --request POST \
    --url https://{ORGANIZATION}{deployment_name}/report_asset_materialization/ \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token: {TOKEN}' \
    --data '{
        "asset_key": "{ASSET_KEY}",
        "metadata": {
            "rows": 10

Constructing request URLs#

The full URL you send requests to will vary depending on how you access your Dagster instance:

LocationURLExample request URL
Local webserverDefaults to localhost:3000localhost:3000/report_asset_check
Open source deploymentURL of the Dagster webserver

Available APIs#

POST /report_asset_materialization/Records an AssetMaterialization event for an external asset.
POST /report_asset_check/Records an asset_check evaluation for an external asset.
POST /report_asset_observation/Records an AssetObservation event for an external asset.

Report an asset materialization#

Records an AssetMaterialization event for an external asset. This event type notifies the Dagster framework that a materialized value has been produced for an asset.

Using this endpoint, you could report to Dagster that an external asset has been updated and include metadata about the materialization. For example, the number of updated rows, the time the update occurred, and so on.


Resource URL/report_asset_materialization/
AuthenticationRequired only for Dagster+. The request header must contain the Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token header and a valid user token.
Request headerThe request header must specify the following:
  • Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token - Required if using Dagster+, e.g. Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token: [USER_TOKEN]
  • Content-Type - Required if the request contains a JSON body, specified as Content-Type: application/json
Request bodyIf included, the request body must be valid JSON.


Parameters can be passed in multiple ways and will be considered in the following order:

  1. URL (asset_key only)
  2. Request body, which must be valid JSON
  3. Query parameter
asset_keyRequiredThe key of the materialized asset. May be passed as:
  • URL path - Specified as path components after /report_asset_materialization/, where each / delimits parts of a multipart AssetKey.
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetKey constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts string or JSON encoded array for multipart keys.
metadataOptionalArbitrary metadata about the asset, specified as key-value pairs. May be passed as:
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetMaterialization constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts a JSON encoded object.
data_versionOptionalThe data version of the asset associated with the materialization. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to AssetMaterialization via tags.
descriptionOptionalA human-readable description of the materialized value. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetMaterialization constructor.
partitionOptionalThe name of the partition that was materialized. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetMaterialization constructor.


The API will return JSON, whether the request succeeds or fails.

  • 200 OK - Response body contains an empty object: {}
  • 400 Bad request - Response body contains an error object: {"error": ...}


Local webserver#

Report an asset materialization against locally running webserver:

curl -X POST localhost:3000/report_asset_materialization/{ASSET_KEY}

Report an asset check evaluation#

Records an AssetCheckEvaluation event for an external asset. This event type notifies the Dagster framework of the results of an executed check.

Using this endpoint, you could report to Dagster that an asset check has been executed and include metadata about the check. For example, if the check looks for null values in an id column, you could include the number of records with null IDs.


Resource URL/report_asset_check/
AuthenticationRequired only for Dagster+. The request header must contain the Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token header and a valid user token.
Request headerThe request header must specify the following:
  • Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token - Required if using Dagster+, e.g. Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token: [USER_TOKEN]
  • Content-Type - Required if the request contains a JSON body, specified as Content-Type: application/json
Request bodyIf included, the request body must be valid JSON.


Parameters can be passed in multiple ways and will be considered in the following order:

  1. URL (asset_key only)
  2. Request body, which must be valid JSON
  3. Query parameter
asset_keyRequiredThe key of the checked asset. May be passed as:
  • URL path - Specified as path components after /report_asset_check/, where each / delimits parts of a multipart AssetKey.
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetKey constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts string or JSON encoded array for multipart keys.
passedRequiredThe pass/fail result of the check. May be passed as:
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetCheckEvaluation constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts a JSON encoded boolean: true or false.
check_nameRequiredThe name of the check. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetCheckEvaluation constructor.
metadataOptionalArbitrary metadata about the check, specified as key-value pairs. May be passed as:
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetCheckEvaluation constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts a JSON encoded object.
severityOptionalThe severity of the check. Accepted values are:
  • WARN
  • ERROR (default)
May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetCheckEvaluation constructor.


The API will return JSON, whether the request succeeds or fails.

  • 200 OK - Response body contains an empty object: {}
  • 400 Bad request - Response body contains an error object: {"error": ...}


Local webserver#

Report a successful asset check (check_null_ids) against a locally running webserver:

curl -X POST localhost:3000/report_asset_check/{ASSET_KEY}?check_name=check_null_ids&passed=true

Report an asset observation#

Records an AssetObservation event for an external asset. This event type captures metadata about an asset at a point in time and provides it to the Dagster framework. Refer to the Asset observation documentation for more information.


Resource URL/report_asset_observation/
AuthenticationRequired only for Dagster+. The request header must contain the Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token header and a valid user token.
Request headerThe request header must specify the following:
  • Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token - Required if using Dagster+, e.g. Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token: [USER_TOKEN]
  • Content-Type - Required if the request contains a JSON body, specified as Content-Type: application/json
Request bodyIf included, the request body must be valid JSON.


Parameters can be passed in multiple ways and will be considered in the following order:

  1. URL (asset_key only)
  2. Request body, which must be valid JSON
  3. Query parameter
asset_keyRequiredThe key of the observed asset. May be passed as:
  • URL path - Specified as path components after /report_asset_observation/, where each / delimits parts of a multipart AssetKey.
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetKey constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts string or JSON encoded array for multipart keys.
metadataOptionalArbitrary metadata about the asset, specified as key-value pairs. May be passed as:
  • JSON body - Value is passed to the AssetObservation constructor.
  • Query parameter - Accepts a JSON encoded object.
data_versionOptionalThe data version of the observed asset. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to AssetObservation via tags.
descriptionOptionalA human-readable description of the asset or observation. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetObservation constructor.
partitionOptionalThe name of the partition that was observed. May be passed in JSON body or as a query parameter; value is passed to the AssetObservation constructor.


The API will return JSON, whether the request succeeds or fails.

  • 200 OK - Response body contains an empty object: {}
  • 400 Bad request - Response body contains an error object: {"error": ...}


Local webserver#

Report an asset observation with a data version against a locally running webserver:

curl -X POST localhost:3000/report_asset_observation/{ASSET_KEY}?data_version={VERSION}